ENoLL News
MoU signed with EU Joint Research Centre
ENoLL has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission’s science and knowledge service. The MoU signed between ENoLL Chairperson Fernando Vilariño and Director General of JRC, Stephen Quest was presented at the General Assembly meeting on Friday 30th of April 2021.
Looking back at earlier cooperation with the JRC, the ENoLL Chairperson remembered different visits of the ENoLL representatives to ISPRA and co-creation of the strategy for Living Labs at the Joint Research Centre. Next to that, Artur Serra (i2Cat, AOTF lead) has been developing Policy Labs with the Sevilla branch, while Joëlle Mastelic (Energy Living Lab, AOTF lead) has cooperated on energy and sustainability sector.
Vilariño also added that this MoU is a starting point in which we are aligning our mission of empowering everyone to innovate through the Living Lab approach and co-creating a better future for Europe.
Stephen Quest the Director General of JRC echoed the sentiment and added that the MoU is going to steer the future collaboration between the JRC and ENoLL. As Quest said “we see this partnership as indispensable” and [we are] “keen to foster the connection between the Living Lab community and EU policy making”. He also added that the MoU will provide a good framework to build on the existing cooperation and that this partnership will support future direction for Living Labs. Quest concluded that JRC and ENoLL can together address issues related to scalability and replicability of Living Lab solutions.
About the Join Research Centre
The Joint Research Centre supports EU policies with independent scientific evidence throughout the whole policy cycle. It creates, manages and makes sense of knowledge as well as develops innovative tools and make them available to policy makers. As such, the JRC has a direct impact on the lives of citizens by contributing with its research outcomes to a healthy and safe environment, secure energy supplies, sustainable mobility and consumer health and safety. Please find more information on JRC at https://ec.europa.eu/info/departments/joint-research-centre_en .
- 2024