Strategic Partners

To enable the European Network of Living Labs to implement its mission, it has established a range of collaborative linkages with other organisations that have a complementary mandate, through Memorandums of Understanding.

To date, the ENoLL has formed strategic partnerships and alliances with the following organisations:

World Bank

On 10 July 2012, the ENoLL signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the World Bank, a global leader in open innovation. The agreement was signed by Jose Luis Irigoyen, World Bank Director for Transport, Water, and Information and Communication Technologies, and Álvaro Oliveira, representing the ENoLL President, Jarmo Eskelinen.


The agreement between the World Bank and ENoLL will bring unprecedented global expertise in the area of ICT to help the World Bank and its clients improve public services, increase civic participation, advance public administrative capacity, and drive green growth. And it will help the two institutions further their shared goal of finding new approaches to improving the public services that affect the everyday lives of millions of people in developing countries.


In addition ENoLL and the World Bank published the “Citizen Driven Innovation Handbook”.  This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank and members of the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL). The guidebook aims to bring citizen-driven innovation to policy makers and change agents around the globe, by spreading good practice on open and participatory approaches as applied to digital service development in different nations, climates, cultures, and urban settings. Download your version here now.


ENoLL and CAISEC (Beijing City Administration Information System and Equipment Center) will work cooperatively towards the next generation of innovation, which involves the user to better city administration and public service. ENOLL and CAISEC hopes to benefit from practice of each other through closer cooperation on following domains and activities.


Collaboration Agreement was signed to recognize the aim of Ubiquitous Network Industry and Technology Development Forum (UNITED), and European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) to further their communication and collaboration in the innovation areas of Living Labs, ICT service and technology innovation.


FAO (The Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nations) will work together to capitalize on the accumulated expertise in the application of Living Labs methodological framwork in areas of common interest to be defined in the context of specific projects and activites agreed in a Medium Term Plan and in Annual Work Plans

LLiSA (Living Labs in Southern Africa)

The Living Labs in Southern Africa network (better known as LLiSA) was formed and officially launched on 24 February 2009 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. It was initiated by DST, COFISA, SAFIPA and the Meraka Institute of the CSIR.

LLiSA and ENoLL will cooperate through consultations and information exchange as follows following:


  1. They will seek increasing communication and cooperation in their activities and initiatives
  2. Communication through meetings, exchange of information which benefits both sides
  3. Sharing knowledge, experiences and best practice
    They will actively promote each other activities initiatives in Europe and in Africa
  4. Actively participate in the events organized by each other


Read more here.

Asian Smart Living Summer School

Programme Office of Talen Cultivation Programme for Smart Living Industry, sponsored by the Ministry of Education (Taiwan) launched the Asian Smart Living Summer School of which the first held in Taipei (Nov 2011). This programme aims at Master Level Post Graduates intending to further enhance cross-cultural experiences.

France Network of Living Lab (F2L)

On February 19, 2013 European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) and the France Living Labs (F2L) signed a partnership agreement which was the first Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by ENoLL with a national network of living labs.


See the video related to the ceremony.


Read the Memorandum of Understanding.

EBN (European BIC Network)

The European Business & Innovation Centre Network was set up in 1984 as a joint initiative of the European Commission, European industry leaders and the first pioneering Business and Innovation Centres.


EBN is now the leading non-governmental pan-European network bringing together 200+ Business & Innovation Centres (BICs), and similar organisations such as incubators, innovation and entrepreneurship centres across the enlarged Europe.


BICs are organisations which promote innovation and entrepreneurship. They help enterprises to innovate; they drive the creation of start-ups (support to innovation, incubation and internationalisation) and they promote economic development through job and enterprise creation and development.


The network is therefore an umbrella organisation bringing together over 200 BICs from all around Europe and beyond. It provides help and support to these BICs by acting as an interface with other organisations including the European Commission (which officially recognises EBN), by providing expertise in numerous areas including funding and by stimulating the sharing of best practices.


EBN follows closely the European Union Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policies and is developing ‘hub and spoke’ networking connections with the rest of the world.


You can see the MoU here.

Future Center Alliance Japan

On August 28, 2017, the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) and Future Center Alliance Japan (FCAJ) (based in Chiyoda-ku, Iidabashi, Tokyo) have signed a partnership agreement with the aim of developing open innovation and better collaboration among businesses, research institutions, universities and public sectors for a better society and economy development.


The agreement seeks and carries out mutually beneficial activities of the two organisations through the following types of activities:

a) mutual knowledge sharing and creation activities (Ba/SECI)through webinars and OpenLivingLab Days

b) Co-Branding and joint Events

c) Programs

d) collaborative projects, joint transnational studies, policy papers


This partnership agreement was approved at ENoLL’s general meeting that took place during the OpenLivingLab Days 2017 conference. The MoU was signed by Tuija Hirvikoski (President of ENoLL) and Noboru Konno (President of FCAJ).

Australian Living Lab Innovation Network

During the OpenLivingLab Days 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland ENoLL signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Australian Living Labs Innovation Network (ALLIN). With the MoU we aim to strengthen our engagement with Australian Living Labs Network. The two networks have come together with the common intention to collaborate and develop the global Living Lab community.

European AI Alliance

European AI Alliance is a forum engaged in a broad and open discussion of all aspects of Artificial Intelligence development and its impacts.


ENoLL became a member of the AI Alliance in April 2019.

WeGO (World Smart Sustainable Cities Organisation)

The MoU was signed by ENoLL Chairperson Fernando Vilariño and the WeGO Secretary General on 14 October 2019. It proposes the interchange of visits for ENoLL’s annual conference, the OpenLivingLab Days, and WeGO conference, as well as the interchange of knowledge – with the possibility of ENoLL providing training in Living Lab Methodologies to WeGO members.

KLID (Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute)

During the year-end General Assembly meeting held on 11 December 2020, ENoLL has introduced the newly signed Memorandum of Understanding with Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute (KLID).


KLID is a governmental institution, which specializes in local government information systems and e-government services. Its main mission is to bridge the digital divide in the region, realise balanced local development and boost the productivity of local governing bodies across the country, by developing, distributing, and managing common information systems under national standards.


With the Memorandum of Understanding KLID and ENoLL set forth the terms and understanding for tangible cooperation in areas of mutual interest. These items of cooperation include mutual promotion, joint organisation of events, mutual knowledge sharing and joint strategic development.


More information on KLID:

The document was signed by ENoLL Chairperson of the Executive Board Dr. Fernando Vilariño and KLID President Dr. Dae-Beom Ji. See the KLID- ENoLL signed MoU

Joint Research Centre

ENoLL has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission’s science and knowledge service. The MoU signed between ENoLL Chairperson Fernando Vilariño and Director General of JRC, Stephen Quest was presented at the General Assembly meeting on Friday 30th of April 2021. Read more



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