ENoLL News
Boost citizen engagement in the implementation of cohesion policy!
Are you convinced that citizen engagement can improve public governance and ensure stronger sense of ownership? Do you want to boost citizen engagement in the implementation of cohesion policy? Whether you are a managing authority or intermediate body involved in the management of EU cohesion policy funding programmes or a civil society organisation, here is the right type of support for you!
You are: a civil society organisation
The call is looking for: Creative ideas to encourage and support a genuine and meaningful participation of citizens in planning, implementing and monitoring EU-funded projects.
The Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) is seeking proposals to support innovative ideas and initiatives for promoting citizen engagement in the design and/or implementation and/or monitoring of cohesion policy projects. The selected projects will promote active and genuine participation of citizens in delivering cohesion policy investment on the ground.
Priority will be given to project proposals that will:
- develop new tools or actions that support citizen engagement in cohesion policy; and/or
- support scaling up of existing tools or activities for strengthening and widening citizen engagement in cohesion policy.
The deadline to submit your proposal is 31 May 2020. Call text: https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/newsroom/funding-opportunities/calls-for-proposal/
- 2024