ENoLL News
Living Lab testing for SMEs
ProVaHealth project, which aims to remove barriers for the slow market uptake of innovations and facilitate market access for small and medium sized companies working within health is looking for 14 SMEs from the Baltic Sea Region who are interested in having their products or services tested.
The goal of the project is to establish a trans-national network of Living Labs in the Baltic Sea Region, which can assist in enhancing the competitiveness of the region’s companies by testing of products and services in real life in a trans-national setting at one of 14 specialized Living Labs focusing on health and welfare products and services.
For that purpose 14 SME’s working with health from the Baltic Sea Region who are interested in having their products or services tested in one of specialised LivingLabs can respond to the call. Specifically, SME’s with an idea which needs fine-tuning before being ready for market or SME’s with the ambition to introduce a validated product to a new market in the Baltic Sea Region.
If you are interested…
The process starts with you submitting the details of your needs by filling out the fields found here, no later than 30 April. This information is passed on to the 14 LivingLabs in the project, and the LivingLabs who believe they can address your needs, will send you a proposal for testing. There are a few requirements which will be made clear, but it is entirely up to you if you want to engage in testing based on these proposals, and who to engage with. For a full list of partner Living Labs, see http://scanbaltbusiness.com/listings/living-labs/.
- 2024