ENoLL News
Beyond 2020 Forum in Lisbon 22-24 June 2015
The Beyond 2020 Forum will take place between the 22nd and the 24th of June in LISPOLIS – Association for the Technological Pole of Lisbon, Portugal.
The Beyond 2020 Forum will take place between the 22nd and the 24th of June in LISPOLIS – Association for the Technological Pole of Lisbon, Portugal.
Over three days we will discuss Smart Cities, Urban Policies, Urban Agenda, Civic Participation, Entrepreneurship, Portugal 2020 and other topics that touch our cities. In this context of mobility, investment, innovation, entrepreneurship, in which cities are evermore living beings, endowed with their own energy, an intelligence that allows them to reinvent themselves year after year, the conference will highlight the role of the Human being as the core of the city transformation and improve its intervention in this new stage of evolution of our planet.
Beyond2020 will also present many projects and successful initiatives such as MyNeighbourhood and the Human Smart Cities Network of which ENoLL has been working with and linked to for numerous years now. The MyNeighbourhood team – represented by Alfamicro, Politecnico di Milano, DRI, SINTEF and more – will present Human Smart City vision, network and project activities during a number of sessions held on both the 22nd and the 24th of June (see agenda here).
Beyond 2020’s main goal is to put social innovation at the core of the urban innovation ecosystem, ensuring that urban innovation is focused on citizens rather than on technology. The event also wants to highlight the role of citizens as crucial to boost urban development, showing projects like MyNeighbourhood that actively involved the citizenry since the very beginning of project activities.
Visit the dedicated event website for more information on sessions, speakers and more: http://www.beyond-2020.com/
- 2024