ENoLL News
CAPS Share and Inspire - Infoday in Brussels 16/12/14
On Tuesday December 16th CAPS – Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation will host an infoday in Brussels on their 2nd call for proposals which offers funding of up to 37 million euros.
On Tuesday December 16th CAPS – Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation will host an infoday in Brussels on their 2nd call for proposals which offers funding of up to 37 million euros.
What are CAPS?
Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation (CAPS) are ICT systems leveraging the emerging “network effect” by combining:
- open online social media,
- distributed knowledge creation, and
- data from real environments (“Internet of Things”).
The objective is to create awareness of problems and possible solutions requesting collective efforts, enabling new forms of social innovation. The Collective Awareness Platforms are expected to support environmentally aware, grassroots processes and practices to share knowledge, to achieve changes in lifestyle, production and consumption patterns, and to set up more participatory democratic processes.
To find out about the projects that have been funded under the first call, please check the ongoing projects.
If you are interested in the CAPS project and its mission then during the infoday you will be able to:
- Learn about the currently open CAPS Call under Horizon 2020 (budget 37M€, deadline 14 April 2015)
- Interact with the first CAPS projects launched one year ago, and benefit from their experience
- Contribute to the definition of the next Horizon 2020 workprogramme in this area
- Pitch your own ideas for research proposals and seek feedback and informal networking
Attendence is free but please register in advance here.
If you are not involved in a proposal but are interested in being considered as an expert for the evaluation of this call please register in the CAPS participant portal here or let the CAPS team know by submitting a short CV via email to Fabrizio.Sestini@ec.europa.eu
- 2024