ENoLL News
Call for external expertise: “MED Project and Policy Expert” - TALIA project
TALIA (Territorial Appropriation of Leading-edge Innovation Actions) is a new project under the Interreg MED Programme that has recently been approved and starts in November 2016.
TALIA (Territorial Appropriation of Leading-edge Innovation Actions) is a new project under the Interreg MED Programme that has recently been approved and starts in November 2016.
TALIA promotes in a structured way the implementation and transferability of the modular project results dealing with creativity and social innovation, by jointly building a shared sense of purpose and promoting that message through triple loop policy learning.
Concretely, TALIA carries out the main activities foreseen by the Call for Horizontal projects through three strands of action:
– Engagement and support: Liaison and interaction with modular projects and their local and transnational networks, with the purpose of community building as well as helping them to interact with each other and their target audiences.
– Communication: This includes the web spaces for interaction and dissemination among researchers, practitioners, and policy makers, as well as regular events at the local and national levels.
– Attaining impact: This involves the identification of opportunities to extend the most prominent results across the MED space and the EU thematic policy agendas, through policy briefings and roadmaps contributing to key debates in national and international fora, with a clear focus on sustainability.
In this way, TALIA inter-connects the innovation clusters developed within Objective 1.1. thematic modular projects to create a transnational meta-cluster of creativity and social innovation in the Mediterranean.
In order to support the coordination of ENoLL activities in the Interreg MED TALIA project the ENoLL Office launches the present Call for external expertise, whose terms and conditions are explained below.
Support to specific project activities
ENoLL plays an active role in all project Work Packages. The external expert will complement activities within the scope of ENoLL’s specific competencies and mission through a specific experience in regional innovation policy and specifically the MED programme.
- Work Package 2 “Communication for Horizontal Projects”: the contribution of the external expert will consist in development of the shared innovation vision for the Mediterranean space, building on the results of the MED CAP CreativeMED Projects (www.creativemed.eu) and its application to define the communication strategy on the one hand and the structure of the communication spaces that integrate the functionalities of the MED Programme’s common web platform on the other. More specifically:
- Task 2.1 “Communication strategy”: support in the design of the communication strategy
- Task 2.2 “MED Innovation vision”: support of the design of the project’s innovation vision
- Task 2.4 “Platform integration”: support of the design of the project’s platform integration
- Work Package 3 “Community building”: the contribution of the external expert will consist in community building among the TALIA modular projects (including facilitating interaction with ENoLL Living Labs in the MED regions), thematic and methodological mapping, and monitoring developments and results as a validation of the common model developed in WP 2.
- Task 3.1 “Community building and development”: support of the project’s community building and development activities
- Task 3.2 “Thematic Domain Mapping” support of the project’s thematic domain mapping
- Task 3.3 “Engagement and facilitation of interaction”: support of the project’s engagement and interaction activities
- Task 3.4 “Input and Feedback Collection”: support of the project’s input and feedback collection activities
- Work Package 4 “Capitalising”: the contribution of the external expert will be to complement ENoLL’s capitalisation activities focused on the EU policy level (ENoLL is Work Package Leader) with a regional policy perspective, particularly as regards experience gained from pervious MED programmes and Smart Specialisation in the Mediterranean space.
- Task 4.1 “Capitalisation Strategy”: support of the design of the project’s capitalisation strategy
- Task 4.2 “Indicator Mapping”: support of the design of the project’s indicator mapping activities
- Task 4.3 “Evidence Aggregation”: support of the execution of the project’s evidence aggregation activities
- Task 4.4 “Services to Vertical Projects”: support of the execution of the services to vertical projects
- Task 4.5 “Axis 4 Interaction”: support of the execution of Axis 4 interaction
Activities supporting ENoLL’s participation in the project:
- Support to ENoLL in relations with project partners, the Lead Partner, the MED JTS, and other initiatives in the MED Programme.
- Support in the drawing up of deliverables and reports as concerns the activities carried out.
- Contributions to the project’s strategic coordination.
- Participation in the Steering Committee and other project thematic and management working groups.
Euro 72.500,00, inclusive of VAT (if applicable) and travel and subsistence incurred in project activities, for a commitment of 50.000,00 approx. 135 days in the period from the date of signature of the contract until 31 October 2019 or the project end date in the event of an extension.
Kindly apply by sending an e-mail to info@enoll.org by November 25th, 2016 at 2pm CET. Your message should include:
- Full contact details
- Updated CV
- A written expression of interest providing more information on the requirements below (1 Word page max)
- First level university degree or similar, awarded a minimum of five years previous.
- Minimum ten years of experience in participation and management of European projects of cooperative research and innovation and/or inter-regional and trans-national cooperation.
- Minimum five years of experience with Living Lab methodology and initiatives.
- Minimum three years of professional experience in the formulation and evaluation of policies and initiatives in the fields of “Creative and Cultural Industries” and “Social Innovation” (Open Data, Social Entrepreneurship, and Institutional Innovation including Public Procurement of Innovation and Pre-Commercial Procurement, as defined in the MED Programme’s Terms of Reference for Axis 1, see http://interreg-med.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/ToR_Specific_Obj_1_1_EN.pdf)
- Capacity of distance collaboration and coordination of multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary work groups.
- Knowledge (minimum C1) of the English language (working language of the project)
- Number and duration of experience with Interreg programmes, in particular those in the Mediterranean area.
- Quality and duration of direct experience with ENoLL Living Labs and/or activities.
- Direct or indirect participation in the MED CAP CreativeMED project.
- Direct or indirect participation in the formulation and evaluation of regional policies and strategies.
- Number and quality of publications related to Cultural and Creative Industries, Social Innovation, and Innovation Policy, preferably in English.
- Knowledge of English at C1 or C2 level or mother tongue
- Working knowledge (e.g. b1) of spoken French (second MED Programme language)
- Professional experience in thematic areas of TALIA and the modular projects it supports (30 points), and specifically:
- Regional development and innovation policies
- Policies and initiatives in cultural and creative industries
- Policies and initiatives in social innovation (Open Data, Social Entrepreneurship, and Institutional Innovation)
- Interreg MED programmes, procedures and projects
- Professional experience in European projects, with specific reference to Interreg transnational programmes in the Mediterranean area (25 punti)
- Professional experience in Living Labs methodology, operations, and policy implications (25 points)
- Language competencies (20 points)
- 2024