ENoLL News
ENoLL at Digital Innovation Hub webinar
On March 25th ENoLL participated in a webinar “How can DIHs help in times of COVID-19” organized by DG CONNECT. The webinar brought together ±250 participants in brainstorming concrete digital activities to help public administrations in the fight against covid-19.
Following the webinar, a report will be published by the commission sharing stories on concrete implementations on the ground. The report, slides and recording of the webinar will be shared here: https://dihnet.eu/
In contributing to the brainstorming, the following ideas were submitted by ENoLL members:
- In cooperation with the team of the Clinic for Infectious and Tropical Diseases of Clinical Hospital Center of Serbia, BioSense Institute has created the first internet platform in Serbia for testing for COVID19 infection.
- UJILAB is participating with espaitec’s FabLab to print masks, breath takers, etc.. that have been requested from the Spanish Ministry of Health.
Forum Virium
- Forum Virium organises agile pilots in their “Smart Kalasatama” project that allow start-ups etc. to experiment with their services. One of the agile pilots have produced an app that helps neighbors get in touch with each other and helps for example those who are not able to leave their homes. The application is now being used and aims to change focus to serve specifically in the corona crisis times:
- application: nappi naapuri
- Hack the Crisis Finland is an online hackathon organised by local companies, startups and tech communities, supported by the Finnish government. This is a call to action to each and everyone to participate in the fight and it is inspired by our southern neighbours from Estonia, who started the movement with their Hack the Crisis.
- All the projects from the hackathon, here
Transilvania LL
- Telios brings your business immediate and direct access to experienced doctors and other healthcare professionals. Employees save time by avoiding the issues prevalent with accessing traditional medical care, some of which are, synchronizing appointments with their schedules, wasting time in traffic and waiting room delays.
- HyperMedia – help for public administration and business environment and tools provision for free (hosting, cloud, DDOS) for remote work.
- Astimp – help for public administration and business environment and tools provision for free (hosting, cloud, DDOS) for remote work.
- Wello – heath monitoring app
- CityHealth – platform to report the communities problems
- ro – cloud platform for start-ups and SMEs management.
Since the webinar, even more ENoLL Living Lab initiatives on helping in the times of COVID-19 have emerged:
- HackCrisis online Hackathon. Organised to create as many as possible anticrisis ideas to help people handle the pandemic aftermath to face isolation, facts & data and education. KTP was involved in doing on-line workshop on start-ups.
- Corona ninjas is the community involved in sewing masks and doing coronavirus protection accessories and overalls. KPT is cooperating closely with the community being a member of Krakow Life Science Cluster.
- Initiatives aimed to support seniors (shopping, daily duties), to support children (to support on-line education by sharing laptops etc), offering companies free of charge cloud computing space.
- Also start-ups & companies from KTP ecosystem are supporting hospitals and inhabitants by printing helmets, respirators and other equipment necessary for hospitals to fight the epidemic. Have a look what Cervi Robotics from KTP ScaleUp acceleration program is doing, here!
Other companies as Reality Games and Seedia have joined forces and bought 100 000 masks to support doctors and nurses at the hospitals.
Do you also have solutions to share with us? Please fill in your ideas on how to tackle corona together here: http://bit.ly/ENoLLCorona
- 2024