ENoLL News
Finland has the potential to become the forerunner of health tech thanks to the Spinning Pilots project
The project is a great example of collaboration between ENoLL members – in this case Laurea and Spanish member GAIA – Ocean Living Lab, a piloting partner in the project.
The Spinning Pilots project helps the Helsinki-Uusimaa region’s health tech start-ups and businesses network with international living labs and co-develop service solutions with the local universities’ brightest minds.
The global burden of diseases demands for the constant development of health issue preventing innovations and technology. Spinning Pilots, a project funded by the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council, helps Finnish companies answer to this need. It is a cooperation project between Laurea and Metropolia Universities of Applied Sciences, entrepreneurship society Helsinki Think Company, and non-profit association Upgraded.
The company has developed a wirelessly connected high-tech balance board that comes with a mobile app.
Smartifier’s Managing Director Petteri Saarinen has a history of more than 25 years in product development and marketing at Nokia. Saarinen wanted to join Spinning Pilots to further modify and optimize their product for the international market.
“We were interested in the scalability and functionality of the balance board especially in the Spanish market and wanted to see how it fits the Spanish consumers’ expectations”, he says.
“The pilot in the Basque Country has been great. Various stakeholders have been involved from both Spain and France. We have been able to test our product in a much more versatile way than expected among the working population, athletes and the elderly, for example.”
- 2024