ENoLL News
Webinar on ‘Innovating Responsibly in ICT for Healthy Ageing’ 29th Frbuary at 15.00 CET.
European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA) co-hosts a webinar on ‘Innovating Responsibly in ICT for Healthy Ageing’ this Monday the 29th of February at 3pm CET.
European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA) co-hosts a webinar on ‘Innovating Responsibly in ICT for Healthy Ageing’ this Monday the 29th of February at 3pm CET.
The webinar will present an introduction to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and an overview over a framework for RRI in business and industry in the domain of ICT for health, demographic change and wellbeing.
Some key questions that will be addressed during the webinar are: What is RRI? Why are RRI and Responsible-Industry relevant to Active and Healthy Ageing? At which point of the research and innovation process should RRI be considered? Which tools for RRI exist?
If you are interested in joining this free webinar then you can register here.
- 2024