ENoLL News
[Policy Brief] Open Innovation for Society
New Policy Brief has been published within the Social & Creative InterregMED project. The brief tackles the topic of Open Innovation for Society
Description of the Brief
In today’s globalized and dynamic world, innovation is key for the economic development of nations and companies and in this sense, open innovation is no exception. Open Innovation is understood as an occurrence when an organisation doesn’t rely only on their internal knowledge or research and development, but also uses different external sources to drive innovation. These sources include customer feedback, published patents, competitors, external agencies, the public, etc.
To ensure competitive advantage and better business performance, organisations are increasingly focusing on open innovation and external resources.
Apart from the benefit of open innovation, this policy brief examines four sub-challenges which are relevant for the Social & Creative Mediterranean community and provides policy recommendations for these. The sub-challenges are:
- Rethinking financial instruments for enacting open innovation at the benefit of the society
- New models of entrepreneurship for realising open innovation and social inclusion
- Transnational approaches to implement open innovation for society
- Open access vs. intellectual property rights to make open innovation efficient for the society
Please access the Policy Brief here.
About the project
Social&Creative aims to promote trans-local innovation clusters for creative and social innovation by providing instruments that allow trans-national MED modular projects to connect with local innovation communities, starting from the regions of participating partners. ENoLL’s role in the project is transferring the results, connecting stakeholders through working groups and developing policy recommendations.
- 2024