ENoLL News
Interactive tools for home working
Facing the Covid-19 situation, a lot of actions and solutions are highlighted with the aim to stay close to the community and to keep the organization’s activities going on.
Therefore, we found the opportunity to begin an investigation on tools and software which can be used for our interactive sessions and Webinars within ENoLL.
We found many possibilities of tools, and discovered diverse features great to use for our next sessions. We wanted to share our discoveries, and to make you participate, in order to help each other during those difficult times. This is why we created a Tool’s catalogue, using Google Sheets.
You can have an overview on the best tools to use according to your needs VIA THIS LINK.
Moreover, you can contribute to this catalogue by adding more crucial information on the current software, or by filling it with other ones that you know or experienced.
You can also give us your advice or feedback of the tools you already used. You can send it to noeline@enoll.org
We would be pleased to hear from you and it would allow us and the community to have a better idea before choosing.
[the catalogue of tools has been prepared by Noeline Ricau who is doing her traineeship at ENoLL]
- 2024