ENoLL News
[DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 21/4] Call for workshops at OpenLivingLab Days 2016!
Now it is your turn to transfer knowledge, find your peers and build future around emerging topics as OpenLivingLab Days 2016 opens its call for workshops.
Now it is your turn to transfer knowledge, find your peers and build future around emerging topics as OpenLivingLab Days 2016 opens its call for workshops.
As in previous editions we would like to invite our members, stakeholders and Living Lab practitioners to contribute and co-create the agenda of the conference by submitting a workshop proposal. Workshops will take place on Thursday 25th and Friday 26th of August on the last two days of the conference in Montreal, Canada.
The theme of OpenLivingLab Days 2016 is “Citizen Driven Innovation: Developing the innovation system that empowers everyone to innovate.” We are looking for workshops that allow participants to advance learning, collaboration and discussions in relation to citizen and community-driven innovation. Potential workshops themes could include Health & Active/Creative Aging, Social innovation, Smart Cities, Regional Living Labs, Education, Living Lab methodologies etc.
Submitted workshop proposals should include title, type, objectives, theme and brief outline. They should facilitate active discussions and constructive interactions on current or emerging topics relevant to Living Labs.
Workshop proposals should be submitted by Thursday April 21st (extended deadline).
For more information on the call and to submit your workshop proposals please use this form.
For more information about the event please visited the dedicated website: www.openlivinglabdays.com
- 2024