ENoLL News
Responding to the 3Os strategy: a co-creation workshop
A co-creation workshop took place at ENoLL premises in Brussels on the 25th October to define together with likeminded organisations how to apply and respond to the 3Os Strategy and to provide our ideas on how to create a roadmap for the future of Europe.
A co-creation workshop took place at ENoLL premises in Brussels on the 25th October to define together with likeminded organisations how to apply and respond to the 3Os Strategy and to provide our ideas on how to create a roadmap for the future of Europe.
Vision for 2030 “The year is 2030. Open Science has become a reality and is offering a whole range of new, unlimited opportunities for research and discovery worldwide. Scientists, citizens, publishers, research institutions, public and private research funders, students and education professionals as well as companies from around the globe are sharing an open, virtual environment called The Lab”.
(Carlos Moedas, Open Innovation, Open Science and Open to the World. 2016)
ENoLL President (Tuija Hirvikoski) and ENoLL Vice Presidents (Artur Serra, Wim de Kinderen, Anna Stahlbroest) and other Experts from the ENoLL community aimed to create an agenda and a vision and use their experience to help European Commissioner Carlos Moedas accomplish his 3Os strategy. One of the main challenges that the initiatives faces is the interaction between scholars due to language barriers and integrating people in the innovation process. In that way, Living Labs can act as facilitators of the discussion and close the gap between different communities.
3 Pillars: Open Innovation, Open Science and Open to the world – a vision for Europe.
It was recognized at the workshop that Open Innovation has not had enough recognition on its potential impact so far. The strategy is not European, but global.
Points of discussion on Open Innovation were: reforming the regulatory environment, maximizing impact, boosting private investment in R&I, transition from knowledge transfer to Open Innovation 2.0.
A white paper will follow the co-creation workshop.
- 2024