ENoLL News
Join the next Social & Innovation Camp on Sustainable Development
We invite you to join the innovation camp on 5 April 2022! The Third Innovation Camp organised within the scope of the Social & Creative InterregMED project will tackle the topic of Sustainable Development. Keynote speeches will discuss “Our Planet, What Else? Social Innovation and Change Models for Sustainable Development” and on a sustainable future. Reserve your spot and register for the event!
The event will be held digitally. In the morning part, we will hear from social innovators who will reflect on the topic of the event, while in the afternoon part we will explore how participants of the event can collaborate with the projects of the InterregMED Social & Innovation community. We invite everyone to join the event and exchange with the Social & Innovation community to establish new partnerships. More information on the registration will follow soon.
Agenda of the event:
Morning session – Innovation Camp
10:00 – Opening ““Interreg Euro-MED Programme 2021/27: Sustainable development in a changing world” by Christoph Maier, Project officer, Interreg MED Programme
10:30 – Keynote speech: “Our Planet, What Else? Social Innovation and Change Models for Sustainable Development” by WWF Italia
11:00 – Success stories from Greek, Italian and Spanish Living Labs
Despoina Mantziari, AUTH (Greece)
Artur Serra, i2CAT (Spain)
Luca Leonardi, ARCA Living Lab (Italy)
Juha Suonpää, TAMK Tampere University (Finland)
12:00 – Keynote speech: “Social Innovation, the CCIs and Sustainable Development” by Mirna Karzen, Co-founder at Social Innovation Lab in Croatia
12:30 – Conclusions by Marco Di Ciano, Responsible of the Research and Innovation Section, InnovaPuglia
13:00 – End of the Innovation Camp
Afternoon session – Knowledge transferring and focus groups sessions
14:00 – Welcome and Introductions. Dive in to the topic of Social and Creative Industries and Sustainable Development with Idoia Muñoz, Gaia Living Lab
14:15 – Presentation of tools methods and models for sustainable development challenges by projects
Caterina Praticò, Open DOORS
Diego Mattioli, Prominent MED
Stefania Milano MD.net
14:45 – Parallel sessions – How could we transfer the modular projects’ results to our local context?
16:00 – A transfer tool for the whole InterregMED community, presented by Goran Rodic of Agency for economic development of municipality Prijedor, Serbia
16:15 – Wrap up and conclusions by Francesca Spagnoli and Monica Nagore-Santandreu (ENoLL)
16:30 – End of the session
The afternoon participatory workshop, also called Focus and Working groups online session, takes place on the same day from 14h to 16.30h CET.
The session is designed as a dynamic and participatory workshop where we want to understand the transferability potential for methodologies, tools and services designed and developed in past modular projects for a greater impact and the feasibility to be adapted and implemented in other places.
As a participant in the session we will send to you a voluntary short activity to prepare beforehand so we make sure you all make the most of the session. We want to encourage you to participate actively in the discussion and reflect with the experts directly involved in the implementation of the modular projects.
You can choose one of the following topics when registering:
- Public Procurement of Innovation a win-win solution for public services and enterprise competitiveness | Prominent MED
The PPI represents a Copernican revolution in the management of public tender where the procurer collaborates with the market to identify and adopt the best available solution to improve the quality of the services for citizens. On the other hand, the companies have the opportunity to propose their most advanced solutions to the procurer promoting their market uptake and upscaling. This collaboration creates a win-win situation where the enterprises profit from new business opportunities and the procurers can guarantee high quality standards services for users.
Participants of the Prominent MED group session will get an insight with concrete examples of the opportunities which PPI can guarantee both to buyers and suppliers.
2. Intangible heritage as creative tool for resilient and sustainable growth | MD.Net
MD.Net is contributing to increase awareness about the Mediterranean Diet talent to combine many economic, social, territorial, environmental aspects. It is a holistic approach covering agri-food production, healthy lifestyle, landscape shaping, ecosystem knowledge and touching, so far, any sustainable goals of the Agenda 2030. The MD.net model bonds the UNESCO concept of MD as “intangible” heritage to its “tangible” dimension, linking Culture and Tradition to territorial/economical features determined by these activities. MD.net has built a transnational network sharing a common Brand and experimenting innovation and creativity in local living laboratories to lift the MD economy to higher quality levels and cope with the tougher challenges of the global markets.
The session will present the project results and explore potential connections with other initiatives to seize opportunities for its capitalization beyond the project life.
3. Future scenarios for the Sharing & Collaborative economy | Open DOORS
Exploring the transforming role of technology, creativity and social innovation in the new economy. The future of human societies and the future of the new Economy (Sharing or Collaborative Economy) is inextricably linked to the development (both in quantitative and qualitative terms) of the Internet and the digital platforms and devices. The more people using the Internet, and digital platforms/devices, the greater likelihood of new ideas emerging that lead to new businesses able to transform social life.
- 2024