Historically Labelled Living Labs
Since its formation in 2006 ENoLL has labelled 440+ Living Labs. See the full list of Labelled Living Labs who are not active members of the network.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona is a comprehensive University, covering all main disciplines, with a main Campus placed in a 260 ha green area that functionally has been conceived as a particular university well-defined human city in itself with 50.000 people interacting in a controlled domain of actors related to a university educational and research centre target, including its families, service providers, neighbours and the overall facilities like restaurants, hotels, schools and other campus services. This campus is the natural space of action of the UAB Smart Campus Living Lab aimed at reinforcing the innovation as an economic, cultural, and entrepreneur evolution. The UAB was awarded as an International Excellence Campus aiming to create a true ecosystem of knowledge and consolidate the UAB as a promoter of economic and cultural progress in the region. Within this institutional context the UAB has been heavily involved in developing initiatives to strengthen collaboration between the university and the local councils, research centres, institutions and companies located in the surrounding area. To that end that UAB took part in the constitution of the B30 Ambit Association and has continued its cooperation with the Catalonia Innovation Triangle (CIT) consortium. Within this context, the most important capabilities and attributes of the UAB Living Lab Campus are the strong cohesion between the physical campus and its different actors that interact.
References and Track Record
Schneider Electric
Sabadell City Council
Barcelona City Council
Computer Vision Centre
Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona
UAB Observatory of Equality
On going activities:
UAB Sustainable and healthy Campus:
Volpelleres library living lab: http://www.cugat.cat/docs/Volpelleres-Living-Lab.pdf
Since its formation in 2006 ENoLL has labelled 440+ Living Labs. See the full list of Labelled Living Labs who are not active members of the network.