Historically Labelled Living Labs
Since its formation in 2006 ENoLL has labelled 440+ Living Labs. See the full list of Labelled Living Labs who are not active members of the network.
The Smart Community around Puglia Smart LL plays a fundamental role toward an holistic view aimed to understand the processes of change in the social, economic and organization contexts and to achieve an harmonious progression in the society, by listening at all the stakeholder in the territory. This approach already started, promotes the collaboration of citizens with all the stakeholders involved in service delivering (in order to put in place an actual user driven innovation process). The “smart” use of new technologies, defined in Puglia@Service project to be used and tested within in lab, enables service integration overcoming silos structure of the services, nowadays strictly divides between public and private.
For this reason Puglia Smart LL aimed to put in practise a radical change in delivery services for a territory, oriented to become a smart community.
Puglia Smart LL is developed within the area of the “Internet-based Service Engineering”, devoted to the research of scientific analytical methodologies for the design, production and deployment of innovative services. Moreover it is positioned between Service Science and open innovation.
The reference market of this LL is represented by the “Knowledge Intensive Services” (KIS), an emerging category of the advanced tertiary sector, both private and public, and cross with respect to the other economic sector, that is supposed to play a prominent role within the restructuring process will follow the economic crisis thanks to the positive impact on the productivity and innovation of the other economic sectors.
The innovative characteristics of the LL are: a pervasive technological infrastructure, thought to act as the nervous system of the “smart territory”;a qualified human capital, developed according to the profile of the “Innovator and Entrepreneur Engineer”, able to create economic and social value (Technological Entrepreneurship); start-up specialized in the Service Engineering Area, able to facilitate the development of “technology-based” innovative services.
The arrangement into the regional context of the new service model will regard the new generation services of the Public Administration and the Integrated Tourism.
Another relevant issue addressed by the LL is the emerging professionals (Innovator/Entrepreneur Engineer) able to manage the innovation process towards a “smart” territory. The Innovator/Entrepreneur Engineer is a professional profile, with a high employability potential, able to operate within companies as change agent as well as a high tech entrepreneur.
In the framework, where the LL is being activated, there is a specific project called “Activating Puglia@Service”. Its aims is to build a new archetype of human capital through the development of interdisciplinary competences related to: service management, innovative approaches to collaboration and innovation, new business models for firms and institutions, new technologies for the design, creation and management of internet based services. This is what really makes a difference within Puglia Smart LL; the investment of capital (not only of effort) in order to finance 15 young students graduated in scientific, economic and technological areas, to let them adopt the “Action Learning” educational paradigm with technological, economic and management background. In order to achieve the objectives of the learning project will be engaged, among others, the relevant international/national institute and prestigious Italian and foreign Universities (such as Bocconi University, University of Palermo, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Imperial College of London, London School of Economics, Polytechnic of Milan and Institute of Sant’Anna in Pisa)
Furthermore LL will act as a platform to involve all the stakeholders to actively support the process started towards Lecce Smart City through the use of the LL as an instruments able to put together requirements of Lecce city and new European models. This process is expected to boost new opportunities and synergies with a view to EC Funding Programme 2014-2020 and the candidacy of Lecce as European Capital Of Culture 2019. In this sense, it is important to mention that a collaboration protocol has already been established with the city of Aarhus (DK), as the European Capital of Culture 2017.
Since its formation in 2006 ENoLL has labelled 440+ Living Labs. See the full list of Labelled Living Labs who are not active members of the network.