Historically Labelled Living Labs
Since its formation in 2006 ENoLL has labelled 440+ Living Labs. See the full list of Labelled Living Labs who are not active members of the network.
ÖMKi’s On-farm Living Lab is an agroecology-focused nationwide participatory experimentation network that includes a variety of field trials and technology tests co-designed and co-implemented with farmers in Hungary, with the aim to promote agro-ecological transition. We work since 2012 in the field of arable crops, horticulture, viticulture, apiculture, and since 2020 also animal husbandry. In the frame of the On-farm Living Lab, we test in different sub-networks how new products, practices, and technological innovations perform under the diversity of everyday farming. Participating farmers gain feedback directly from their own production experiences, land, and technology creating space for open innovation, product development, and dynamic knowledge co-creation between farmers, researchers, and other stakeholders of the value chains. At the same time, the results give a broader picture of Hungarian organic and agroecological production practices and locally applicable solutions.
Flagship projects
The purpose of the project is to reintroduce landrace tomatoes into agricultural production and into the everyday diet in Hungary in the form of a product called ‘Landrace Tomato Seedling’. Tomato landraces are heritage cultivars that are only preserved in gene banks since industrialized agriculture uses modern breeds and most hybrids. However, landraces can contribute a lot to agro-biodiversity, can facilitate local (climate) adaptation strategies, farmers can achieve better livelihood, and resilience through genetic diversity and enrich everyday diet. Farmers, researchers, a gene bank, a university, a product developer, a supermarket chain, consumers and smaller private businesses are involved in the development process.
Link: https://biokutatas.hu/hu/page/show/paradicsom-tajfajtak-osszehasonlitasa-100544
The objective of the project is to replace the one-sided, soil-degrading mechanical row cultivation used for decades in vineyards and start to test a variety of species-appropriate seed mixtures for interrow cultivation under real-life, organic vine growing conditions throughout Hungary. The resulted in ‘Living’ interrow seed mixture has an optimal composition to provide Hungarian vineyards an effective defense against soil erosion while increasing the biodiversity of the fields. The project involves winegrowers, researchers, other research institutions, product developers, and a seed trader company.
Link: https://biokutatas.hu/hu/page/show/szoleszet-135347
From 2012, thanks to the on-farm network and the cooperation between organic farmers and researchers, the ÖMKi Living Lab accumulated vast knowledge on organic production practices and technology. Thus, ÖMKi Living Lab, farmers, and independent advisors in partnership with public institutions such as the National Chamber of Agriculture and relevant authorities launched advisory and extension services with the aim to help farmers to improve their agroecological and organic practices and also to support newcomer organic farmers to convert to organic production. The service became available through ÖMKi in 2020.
Since its formation in 2006 ENoLL has labelled 440+ Living Labs. See the full list of Labelled Living Labs who are not active members of the network.