Historically Labelled Living Labs
Since its formation in 2006 ENoLL has labelled 440+ Living Labs. See the full list of Labelled Living Labs who are not active members of the network.
Happy Aging is an integrated network and living lab for user centered innovation in elderly care. We offer a real life environment for companies and health care organizations to develop innovative concepts for elderly care. Besides being a real life test environment, Happy Aging is also used to create new innovative ideas in co-creation with the elderly. This way we strengthen the effective implementation of these innovations. Happy Aging is a living lab consisting of lots of partners, each with their own expertise, including local authorities, care institutions, knowledge institutes, companies,…. This ensures that the necessary expertise (quadriple helix) is present.
The main purpose of the Happy Aging Living Lab is to develop innovative ideas, together with the elderly, to make sure that the elderly can reside longer and with a higher quality of life, in their home environment. The ideas that are developed within Happy Aging Living Lab should also contribute to a strong economical environment and job creation in the region.
References and Track Record
Since the start of the living lab in Belgian Limburg in February 2014 a lot of projects and activities were already executed. We introduced the Happy Aging living lab to the local elderly population and initiated several projects with focus on cardiac diseases (150 test users involved), medication Adherence (200 test users involved), safe mobility in traffic ( 200 test users involved), falls prediction, sleep apnea, incontinence material, tremor, grocery shopping, lightning of stairs, dementia,… We are also one of the living labs in the Interreg Vlaanderen-Nederland project CrossCare, where we support companies across boarders with the development and implementation of their health care innovations. Happy Aging living lab also participates in several other European projects, AAL Soulmate, H2020,…
Since its formation in 2006 ENoLL has labelled 440+ Living Labs. See the full list of Labelled Living Labs who are not active members of the network.