Historically Labelled Living Labs
Since its formation in 2006 ENoLL has labelled 440+ Living Labs. See the full list of Labelled Living Labs who are not active members of the network.
The LL was born from the long experience of Consorzio ARCA that hosted the Territorial Living Lab for the Sicilian Region, with the objective to use ICT to develop innovative means of participatory strategic co-planning and territorial self-governance, under the assumption that citizen co-responsibility and ownership, awareness of context and implications of choices, and monitoring of the impacts of decisions taken can together finally generate models for sustainable spatial development.
Through its experience in TLL, ARCA has developed and implemented the model of two thematic Living Lab initiatives, the Solar Lab (SoLL) and the Textile & Clothing Living Lab.
Both of them gathered the competence achieved at the local and international level in the two sectors, the multi-actor partnership involved and the supply chain players sensitized and empowered.
The expertise of the Living Lab
Seed LIVING LAB distils past experiences through the knowledge and the network of its staff for a fresh, new start. It is part of an overall strategy to promote the birth and development of entrepreneurial initiatives that enhance the results achieved by the research centres operating in Sicily and, more in general, to favour innovation and technology transfer towards the Sicilian production system and society. The approach adopted is that of a multilevel network capable of providing, in addition to logistical support, targeted support actions, and access to industrial and financial relations. Seed Living Lab is a physical space where encouraging and make possible to discuss ideas and projects, meet people and collaborators, with formal and informal cooperation methodologies. The Lab provides also a unique testbed for testing and tuning systems through the teamwork of professionals from the research, professional and industrial world.
Eu Projects Living Lab has worked on:
ZERO-PLUS (Horizon 2020),
TCBL (Horizon 2020)
ReFREAM (Horizon 2020),
CreativeWEAR (Interreg MED)
CWEAR+ (Interreg MED)
CO.ART ( Interreg Italie Tunisie)
ALLER( Interreg Italie Tunisie)
Current EU Projects
Textile revolution (Erasmus+)
The site works as an ‘educational lab’, serving both the academic community and the productive system for the co-design and testing of innovative small scale energy solutions for the urban environment, collaborating with other EuroMediterranean twinned infrastructures, experimenting with the same integration of technologies from the solar sources with different levels of optimization and customized technical choices on climatic conditions and settlement requirements.
The Art/Tech manual consists in the creation of a collaborative methodology that inspires, guides and documents each project´s development from start to finish, in which tools were provided to facilitate the Co-Research and Co-Creation processes.
Created and tested for Re-FREAM, this methodology builds a cross-sectoral common space; an “unlearning-to-learn” environment that enables co-research and co-creation by means of a new mindset that strikes a balance between art design and technology. Within this new a dimension of equality, the artist must re-envision his/her initial idea together with a technologist.
During the two waves of co-creation the Re-FREAM project provide a seed bed able to show how art and technology collaboration can work and contribute to an innovative process in research, industry and society. The process is based on the design thinking concepts and tools and has been tested in two different environments: in the first wave artists had the chance, as set in the DOA, to spent a residency period in the selected Hubs but as the Covid-19 pandemic spread the newly selected artists has been forced to experiment the virtual mode. This model has stems from integrating artists/designers in research and innovation processes by nurturing their practices in very specific and clearly identified technological context .such as our hubs.
The model shows also that crucial role of facilitating bodies such as mentors, project managers etc that are able to channel the disrupted forces of co-creation.
A de-codification process was set up to analyze every essential feature of each project, integrating both points of view, and provoking a dialogue between the two. This requires them to take on a collaborative attitude, where both must listen, share, and learn from the other. Participants are encouraged not only to think “outside of the box,” but to understand “outside of the box.”
Since its formation in 2006 ENoLL has labelled 440+ Living Labs. See the full list of Labelled Living Labs who are not active members of the network.