Historically Labelled Living Labs
Since its formation in 2006 ENoLL has labelled 440+ Living Labs. See the full list of Labelled Living Labs who are not active members of the network.
PSNC Future Labs have completed over 100 projects altogether (in it 70+ in Framework Programmes). We employ more than 200 IT engineers and have a separate department for project administration. Future Labs include a 24/7 coworking space, around which proactive communities gather. With their mentorship, we organize events and competitions – more than 200 events with 3000+ participants annually.
We own and share IT infrastructures (16 IT labs) for experimenting and introducing cutting edge tools, in it 6000km of optical fiber network in Poland with connections to all continents and Polish public bodies (hospitals, public administration, HEI…), 3D 16K TV studio, a satellite broadcasting vehicle, 230th world’s strongest supercomputer, and more. As a public R&D without didactics, we focus on applied research IT projects. We collaborate closely with region and city officials, support them in strategy writing and technology IT support. We animate communities in the following application areas: health & wellbeing, education, smart city, gaming, art & science, industry 4.0 (mainly automotive and furniture manufacturing).
Since its formation in 2006 ENoLL has labelled 440+ Living Labs. See the full list of Labelled Living Labs who are not active members of the network.