Historically Labelled Living Labs
Since its formation in 2006 ENoLL has labelled 440+ Living Labs. See the full list of Labelled Living Labs who are not active members of the network.
Elected as “Smartest Region in the world” and one of the 7 best global cities for startups, Eindhoven is now internationally recognized as a global hotbed for (social) innovation. The specific sector of Internet of Things in Eindhoven is making great progress with all kind of new opportunities within a living lab environment. We believe that Internet of Things (or Internet of Everything) offers new opportunities for our quadruple helix state of mind.
Having suffered a very severe economic crisis in the early 90s, the City of Eindhoven and its many regional partners have been working hard over the last 20 years to strengthen the economic position of the city, the region and its companies. Today the City of Eindhoven is at the heart of the so-called Brainport Eindhoven region : a strong knowledge intensive manufacturing region, specialised in ‘high tech systems’ and ‘design’, and one of Europe’s most innovative and R&D intensive areas (www.brainport.nl).
Situated in the center of the Brainport Eindhoven region, the city of Eindhoven has a strong commitment towards its citizens to enhance the quality of life, by mobilising the creative power of triple helix parties and citizens/end users all together. It is also opening up the city itself as a real-life testing ground for products and services with an added value that meet the needs of the end users. As such an extra – fourth – layer was added to the well functioning triple helix model by incorporating ‘The City as a Living Lab’ into the core of its policy: “The City of Eindhoven is not only the breeding room for innovation, nor is it only its production facility, it also wants to be the living lab of these inventions. We want the city and its citizens to benefit from our companies’ developments. (…) Eindhoven is the city where smart products and services are being developed and implemented, in close cooperation with the end users in real-life settings”.
Bringing together partners on the one hand and creating/contributing to structures in which partners can meet on the other hand are the two main points that are to characterise ‘Eindhoven Living Lab’ : over the last few years, the City of Eindhoven and its partners have developed quite a large number of successful Living Lab projects.
‘Eindhoven Living Lab’ is the ‘umbrella approach’ to incorporate these LLs and future ones into one, more integrated and integral approach. ‘Eindhoven Living Lab’ is about:
The City Studios are physical meeting places in the city where citizens are challenged to discuss about the challenges within their district, and where exchanges with potential suppliers offering/developing solutions to the problem posed are organised. The City facilitates this process and engages itself to (co-)implement the solution commonly defined.
Stratumseind is one of Eindhoven’s most prominent nightlife areas, attracting well over 20,000 visitors in weekend nights. In contrast, it is almost deserted during the day. As the area is in decline and the number of (severe) incidents on the rise, the city aims to turn Stratumseind’s back into a safe environment. As part of the action plan, innovative solutions involving lighting, social media, gaming technology, and the collection and processing of sensor data will be tested and deployed. Stratumseind will be a Living Lab where massive amounts of data about people’s activities will be used to determine the effects of measures and to study which factors contribute to violence and discomfort.
Eindhoven, ‘City of Light’, will be developing its urban lighting system into an integrated ‘Smart Light Grid’, and will be promoting the development of services based on this grid. Up till the year 2030, the market will be asked to continually develop ‘new lighting’ with partners in the city. The contractor for this large scale task will work with all partners.
SL2020 is a cooperative network whose partners share the same ambition: to create significant breakthroughs in the fields of care, living and wellbeing that will, in the long term, be cost-efficient for society and generate added economic value. Through the development and broad application of technological and innovative concepts that add value to citizens, quality of life for people will be strengthened.
Improving Safety and Security through new technological and social innovations. DITSS’ primary aim is to stimulate and realise research and innovation programmes en generate economic activity in the fields of public safety, terrorism prevention, cybercrime, public security, incident management and crisis management.
A former Philips estate of 66 acres is being transformed into an inspiring high value environment with a mix of living, working and recreation. The whole area is a ‘breeding room’ for innovations, aiming to increase the value of the area and its infrastructure.
The Eindhoven University of Technology’s Intelligent Lighting Institute investigates novel intelligent lighting solutions that will become within our reach by the large-scale introduction of LED technology, with a special emphasis on how these new solutions might affect people. ILI researchers are developing new concepts for interactive lighting solutions, as well as the requisite technology, within these programmes : ‘brilliant streets’, ‘sound lighting’, ‘no switches allowed’, ‘lighting optics & rendering’, and ‘open light’.
Sports & Technology is a triple helix intermediary organisation aiming to create better sport performance, to stimulate sport participation/active lifestyle, and generate/accelerate business (development).
DITCM is an open innovation organisation in which government, industry and knowledge institutes work together on the successful introduction of cooperative systems to sustainably support mobility and accessibility. Partners jointly operate a development and test environment for new forms of intelligent vehicles and the associated intelligent roadside systems. Their goal is to accelerate smart mobility solutions. DITCM operates within the Brainport Eindhoven region, with the cities of Eindhoven and Helmond as its hotspots.
A platform for designers and design driven companies, organisations and knowledge institutes within the Brainport Eindhoven region. Capital D stimulates and connects creative initiatives which strengthen the region’s top position in technology and design, and which contribute to the economic, social and cultural climate, following the organisation’s programme ‘Creating a Caring Society’.
Since its formation in 2006 ENoLL has labelled 440+ Living Labs. See the full list of Labelled Living Labs who are not active members of the network.