Urban Innovation


The Urban Innovation Working Group (WG) aims to address the challenges faced by cities in creating and maintaining effective, inclusive and dynamic urban ecosystems. Its central objective is to strengthen ENoLL’s presence in the urban innovation landscape as the support partner for urban ecosystems, offering its living lab methodology and expertise with a view to initiating, maintaining, scaling up innovative solutions for societal challenges through living labs. The central position of ENoLL within the Living-in.EU movement is an additional driver for the WG.


The WG is dedicated to identifying the needs of members working on innovation in an urban context across various themes and developing the necessary support and support structures to further innovation addressing key urban challenges. The WG will ensure alignment on contents with other thematic WGs such as mobility, energy, social, etc, while avoiding overlap


The WG sets out to achieve a strengthened role for ENoLL as a dynamic network that shapes the future of urban innovation by responding to urban challenges through the Living Lab approach, stakeholder engagement, and co-creating innovative solutions across various domains. ENoLL places significant emphasis on working directly with local communities.

By working together through the Urban Innovation Working Group, ENoLL members can share common challenges, best practices and innovative solutions, to better integrate Living Labs into the policy-making process in urban contexts.

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