PA4ALL – Precision Agriculture for All
PA4ALL – Precision Agriculture Living Lab is the first living laboratory in Serbia and one of the first in Europe to focus on precision agriculture. PA4ALL takes full advantage of inter- sectoral cross-fertilization of ideas and offers possibilities to test ideas and prototypes in the real-world setting. PA4ALL based its activities on educating its community […]
Pannonia Climate Neutral Agriculture Living Lab
The Pannonian Climate Neutral Agriculture Living lab – PCNA LL epitomizes the definition of being a regional orchestrator of well-coordinated open innovation processes for co-created innovations in real-world settings for climate neutral solutions in agriculture. The PCNA LL’s members are the leading actors of the agricultural sector in Vojvodina region on of the part of […]
MIND-LAB operates in a quadruple helix innovation ecosystem, focusing on the Castilla y León and Madrid Regions for social-health care, mental health, longevity for vulnerable populations through co-creation, devoted to high-quality research and committed to Open and Responsible Innovation, engaging the public and patients in Participatory and Value-Sensitive Design. Aims to address existing and emerging […]
Newcastle Living Lab
The Newcastle Living Lab (@NclLivingLab) is a method and set of tools that enable organisations to innovate their relationships with employees, partners, and customers. By analysing fundamental interactions, it can help to identify inventive approaches to wicked problems and better ways of getting things done. It represents a creative and innovative approach to complex problem […]
Nantes City Lab
Through the Nantes City Lab, Nantes Métropole provides a range of experimental sites, equipment, data, and engineering services to test innovative solutions in situ, in vivo, at scale 1. Nantes City Lab is a system dedicated to full-scale experimentation of innovative solutions by start-ups, SMEs, large groups, researchers, universities, and associations. It brings together concrete […]
An Innovation Agency for technology, communication and creativity, Neàpolis is a Public Innovation Agency for ICT, the multimedia sector, creativity, and entrepreneurship. It offers a space for experimentation, incubation, and growth for the city’s entrepreneurial community, promoting innovation and collaboration. For all of them, coworking and business incubator services are offered as well as connectivity, […]
NEXUS BEIA 2050 Living Lab
The Nexus BEIA 2050 Living Lab aims to support the implementation of clean technologies for sustainable and resilient growth of agri-food sector based on a more efficient use of energy (renewable/solar/hydrogen) and water management in the Balkan thanks to the contribution of ICT technologies like: AI, Blockchain, cloud, big data, quantum), Telemetry (IIoT, IoMT), data […]
Montado Living Lab
The LL Montado main focus is the development, testing, and promotion of sustainable practices to enhance the multifunctionality of the Montado system with a focus on soil health, restoration of the structure, namely the tree cover, and promoting biodiversity assuring a socio-economic balance in this crucial agro-silvo-pastoral system. The LL aims at building capacities and […]
Smart Safety Living Lab
Smart Safety Living Lab is an innovative platform that encourages the participation of stakeholders and users to reflect user experiences in the development process of new products and services for SMEs. To support user-participatory innovation activities, the Korea National Industrial Convergence Centre at the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology has established spaces that simulate real […]
Lorraine Smart Cities Living Lab
Based on the universality of the university and its multidisciplinarity, the Lorraine Smart Cities Living Lab (LSCLL) experiments in terms of projects, governance, and support platform since 2008. The LSCLL is a collaborative resource centre of the Université de Lorraine, to support and link the various thematic and territorial labs integrating users and implementing collaborative […]