Wave 2021 for ENoLL membership is open


ENoLL’s contribution to advancing co-creative, human-centric and user-driven research over the years has grown tremendously. We are looking forward to expanding our member base in order to keep strengthening our network and empowering each of our members.


We kindly invite you to submit your application for membership to join our community of open innovation actors!


Today, ENoLL counts 160 active members worldwide (450+ historically recognised living labs over 10+ years), including in 21 out of 27 EU member states, the UK and +20% of members based outside of the European Union (Asia, Australia, South America)



How to apply?


Step 1
Contact the ENoLL office at 
info@enoll.org to receive all application materials.


All necessary application materials can only be obtained through pre-registration with the ENoLL office (info@enoll.org) by providing following information:

  • Living Lab name
  • Host organisation name
  • Web address
  • Country applicant
  • Contact person details


Step 2
Submit a complete application and proof of payment of the application fee to 


Applications can be submitted by any legal entity from any country in the world that is or hosts a living lab or equivalent structure.

The complete application package includes:

  • A single PDF-file containing a complete application form of around 12 pages, not including annex documents.
  • Annex documentation such as brochures, activity reports, letters of support, audiovisual material and any other relevant support documents.
  • Proof of payment of 300 Euro evaluation fee.


Important dates


February 15th – Application block closes

April 1st – Notification results previous block

May 15th – Application block closes

July 1st – Notification results previous block

November 15th – Application block closes

January 1st – Notification results previous block



Evaluation process


To ensure high-value added exchanges within the network and quality outputs from ENoLL certified living labs, membership is limited to those organisations able to demonstrate the consistent use of a living lab approach.


As such, ENoLL living labs undergo a structural and methodological quality assessment on their maturity as an innovation ecosystem. This seal of quality makes ENoLL living labs the global standard on user-driven innovation.


Complete applications are evaluated by a committee of 3 individual experts. These 3 evaluators are selected from a pool of long-standing living lab practitioners from the network. Their selection is done to ensure geographic and thematic diversity and avoid any conflict of interest.


Evaluation process


  • Submission of the completed form
  • Payment of the evaluation fee
  • Eligibility check by ENoLL office
  • Review of application by Evaluation Committee and request of further support material if necessary
  • Applicant receives evaluation report



Please consult ENoLL application guidelines brochure for more information on the evaluation criteria and frequently asked questions.



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