ENoLL Action-oriented Task Forces Program

The ENoLL Action-oriented Task Forces are the main entry point for hot topics where the ENoLL community is having a leading role

ENoLL has built tremendous expertise in the area of co-creation and action-research methods for multi-stake holder user centric innovation, and thus is placed in an excellent position to explore emerging approaches in Special Interest Groups. The ENoLL Action-oriented Task Forces Program selects 5 topics with evidence of critical mass within the ENoLL Community, and provides support during a 2 year-term to the interest groups.

Currently, there are 5 working AOTFs:

  1. Social Innovation and Digital Rights.
  2. Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
  3. Rural Living Labs
  4. Health and Wellbeing
  5. Energy and Environment


Join the Action-Oriented Task Forces


The Action-oriented Task Forces (AOTF) are coordinated by ENoLL members, and their workgroups are open to externals, providing a powerful tool for visibility and attraction of paramount actors. Every group will decide its own dynamics and core objectives and KPIs, though as a general aim, it is expected for each task force to:

  1. Define a genuine narrative about how living labs can provide a radical transformation in the specific topic.
  2. Use the projects and actions taking place within the participant living labs as examples of best practices to the World.


Specifically, every AOTF is expected to contribute to concrete objectives and KPIs such as:

  1. Coordinate the organisation a specific annual event around its topic.
  2. Contribute to related workshops and sessions during the Open Living Lab Days.
  3. Generate reports, position papers and other documentation around the activities of the members of the task force.
  4. Attract sponsors to the AOTF for the development of the selected activities.
  5. Identify suitable project consortia aligned with the objectives of the AOTF.



The support provided  by ENoLL to the AOTFs will mainly consist of:

  1. In kind and small financial support for the organisation of the events.
  2. Reporting and generation of documentation.
  3. Dissemination of the activities of the AOTF through the ENoLL channels.


Fell free to join our AOTFs!



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