Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence

The AOTF on Social Impact of AI is presented as an exploratory mission: to unveil the different dimensions of the Social Impact of AI through our living labs


The ENoLL Action-oriented Task Forces are the main entry point for hot topics where the ENoLL community is particularly active and/or holds a leading role within their regional ecosystems or globally.  ENoLL has built tremendous expertise in the area of co-creation and collaboration methods and is well-positioned to explore and engage with emerging approaches that aim to integrate for example core impact-related concerns such as ethics (“ethics-by-design”) and explainability into the creation of AI-based systems.

One of the main objectives of the AOTF will be the identification of innovative ways to analyse and measure or make observable this impact across the diverse and different areas where AI is being deployed, and to create an innovative narrative about citizen participation, perception and involvement in the context of digital transformation.

Our hypothesis is that the Labs are key arenas for this exploratory mission to happen.

The participants in the task forces will contribute with their projects and infrastructures to provide evidence-based support to this novel narrative. Thus, beyond the implementation of guidelines, the task force will be a fully action-oriented and evidence-based instrument for focusing the discussion, raising concerns and solutions, and eventually provide evidence-based policy recommendations.

This task force is aiming at providing a practical approach to the questions related to the social transformations associated to the develop­ment of the Artificial Intelligence, in the general framework of the Digital Transformation. Living Labs appear as relevant infrastructures for the potential co-creation of products and services based on AI in Europe and the world, but fun­damentally, to anticipate the societal changes needed to provide a trustful deployment of such transformations by empowering everyone to innovate without leaving anyone behind, due to the digital gap.

The main lines of interest are:

  1. To deploy new products and services based on AI in a safe and ethical co-creation framework with public administrations, companies, universi­ties and research centres, 29 and the final users: the EU citizens.
  1. To identify the new role of public spaces such public libraries as non-formal arenas for literacy and awareness about AI.
  2. To develop a practical approach for the devel­opment, testing and evaluation of the EU Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI.
  3. To understand the transformations in the job profiles due to automation, particularly in the context of AI.
  4. To develop the concept of living labs as explor­atory arenas for anticipatory regulation, to open de debate and the decision power regarding the impact of the AI to the general public.


The final impact expected would be to create a greater development of multi-stakeholder human-centric approaches within the current context of rush and interest about AI in Europe and in the world, and to use this excitement as a boosting force for a solid and sustainable development of human-centric AI.





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