
In the dynamic realm of sustainable energy, municipalities play a crucial role. This webinar aims to go beyond exploration and serve a strategic guide to equip municipalities with essential knowledge, providing a roadmap to navigate the complexities of initiating and planning Energy Communities. Our aim is to empower participants with the knowledge and inspiration needed to lead the change in sustainable energy practices.


This webinar aims to provide municipalities with a comprehensive introduction to Energy Communities, focusing on key considerations for their initiation and planning. The session will showcase a series of successful use cases to inspire and guide participants, helping them understand the essential steps involved in establishing and sustaining ECs within their communities.

Target group

This webinar is designed for those directly involved in the planning and initiation of Energy Communities within municipalities. Municipal leaders, planners, and community representatives will benefit from the insights and successful use cases shared, helping them navigate the complexities of establishing sustainable ECs.

  • Municipalities and Local Government Officials
  • Urban Planners and Development Officers
  • Community Leaders and Representatives
  • Energy Experts and Consultants
  • NGOs and Community Organizations


The webinar will be conducted in a format consisting of presentations followed by an interactive Q&A session, with a total duration of 90 minutes. The following themes will be covered:

  • Introduction to LIFE-BECKON
  • Introduction to Energy Communities
  • Key considerations when initiating and planning Energy Communities
  • Presentation of the LIFE-BECKON use cases and other successful examples of Energy Communities
  • Sneak peek of the BECKON OSS Platform

Upcoming webinars

ENoLL is organizing together with Covenant of Mayors the second LIFE-BECKON interactive webinar of the webinar series, on “Unlocking Sustainable Futures: Financing Energy Community Projects”. 


Unlike a typical informational session, this webinar aims to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of financing mechanisms. Our goal is to empower them with the indispensable knowledge required to adeptly navigate the intricate financial landscape of Energy Community projects. 


This webinar aims to delve into financing schemes and methods crucial for the sustainability of Energy Community projects. Participants will gain insights into diverse funding sources, steps to attract public funds, and various business models. Additionally, the session will cover cost-benefit analysis methodologies to ensure the long-term financial viability of ECs. 


This webinar is tailored for individuals and professionals responsible for securing funding and managing the financial aspects of Energy Community projects. It is relevant to those seeking information on diverse financing sources, attracting public funds, and implementing effective business models for the financial sustainability of Energy Communities:

  • Finance Professionals in Municipalities 
  • Project Managers and Developers 
  • Energy Investors and Financiers 
  • Government Representatives Handling Energy Funding 
  • Community Leaders and Advocates 


During this webinar, interesting presentations followed by engaging conversations will be presented, covering a wide range of themes, including, the Financing Energy Communities on the European Union level, the available European sources of funding, public funds, as well as the practical demonstration of the available REScoop Financing Tracker. 


You can register to participate in the webinar here. 

Past webinars

If you want to see an overview of the first webinar, you can check it here.



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