Every day, our ENoLL office team, secretariat and council, work hard to create added value for you and your organization, being member of our fantastic network. However, members paying their membership fees is crucial to our organization to be able to keep delivering these values.


We’d like to give you a transparent view on our invoicing process and the reasons behind it.


Since ENoLL is a Belgian association, we operate under the Belgian law, stating that the period for payment of invoices is due at the end of the month that the document is issued + 30 days. An example to explain this: when we issue a payment document to your organization on February 15 it will be due by the end of March (end of February + 30 days).


We will issue all membership invoices in the month of January via email to the last known (administrative) contact person of the host organization of your living lab. Therefore, our membership fees will have a due date by the end of February. In order to avoid accountancy issues at our end we will issue a pro forma invoice first, replacing it with the real invoice immediately after payment of the pro forma invoice.


If we didn’t receive your payment by the due date we will send email reminders, before sending a registered mail to your organization.


We have the right to deactivate your member page on our enoll.org website if we don’t receive your payment on time. Additionally, we can block your access to the member area of our website and we can revoke your member discount for any of our ENoLL activities. However we sincerely hope not ever having to do so.


All non-paid membership fees will be escalated to our secretariat which will take a final decision about the membership of your organization.


Of course, we will immediately reactivate these accesses and/or discounts after the reception of your membership payments.


While being as transparent as possible about these procedures we sincerely hope not having to use them for anyone of you. However, this transparency will help us to maintain a sustainable network for everyone and provide the values which you expect from us.



Here below you can find the milestones of our invoicing process:


  • January: pro forma invoices to members sent
  • March: 1st email reminder sent
  • April: 2nd email reminder + escalation non-paid members to ENoLL secretariat
  • May: possible deactivation member page & member area
  • May: registered mails sent
  • July: escalation non-paid members to ENoLL secretariat
  • September: needed exit procedures started
  • December: needed exit procedures completed


If you have any questions/remarks about this, please don’t hesitate to contact us via info@enoll.org, we will be more than happy to talk about it with you.



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