Webinar: the Latin America Smart Cities Network Webinar on Smart Tourism: "Reactivating Tourism in Latin America in the Post-COVID Era"

Location:Online Webinar, Jun 29 @ 18:00 GMT-5 (Mexico City Time)

Tourism is one of the main industries for many Latin American countries, however, due to the covid-19 pandemic the industry has been severely affected. Smart tourism brings in innovative, digital and eco-savvy ways to travel and experience cities. Taking advantage of the latest technologies, such as virtual reality and the metaverse, cities will allow tourists to dodge the current travel limits and restrictions.


If your city is looking for innovative technologies and solutions to reactivate the tourism sector after the pandemic, join the discussion and help us reshape the future of the sector.


This webinar is hosted by our Strategic Partner WeGo. It will be held on:

Jun 29 @ 18:00 GMT-5 (Mexico City Time) 
Jun 30 @ 08:00 GMT+9 (Korean Standard Time)


Please find more information & registration at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_46IPy0hcTquu6B3zjyWsaQ



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