WEBINAR: CEF Building blocks


Dare to rethink your city.
Be part of a Smarter Europe.


The European cities Paris, Amsterdam and Barcelona have been named among the top 10 Smart Cities worldwide. They are transforming their urban environments through technology by using data to connect, digitalise and make their cities future proof.

The European Union can help you transform your city too!

The European Commission, through the CEF Digital programme, offers eight digital services that can support your digital transformation to a smarter city. Every service is free of charge, cross-border, open-source and standard compliant and tested. These services enable smart interactions between citizens, businesses and public administrations.

Learn more about these services in the next “Digital Building Blocks for Smart Cities”webinar taking place on the 26th of February, 10:00 – 11:30 (CET).

And start building a #EUSmartCity !




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