Virtual Learning Lab

Date:04.10.2022 - 29.11.2022

The Virtual Learning Lab brings together a community of participants and experts in exchanging knowledge on the key elements of Living Labs. A course that will fast-track your learning through lectures and interactive sessions, a case study approach connecting theory to practice, as well as hands-on assignments to apply the learnings in your own context.

Held between 4 October – 29 November 2022


The 8-week Learning Lab Program combines:

  • Expert presentations, hands-on co-creative sessions and interactive discussions with real-life case studies
  • Hands-on assignments and application of learning materials to your own Living Lab case, in between the weekly sessions
  • Expert & peer-to-peer support and evaluation, learning from each other while networking
  • Dynamic & interactive environment facilitating knowledge exchange in various formats and learning styles!
  • Taking the first step in joining the community of Living Labs, interacting with like-minded people and organizations


More information & enrolment at:



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