Urban Living Lab Framework: Webinar


In the framework of the UNaLab project (https://unalab.eu/), Botnia Living Lab presents the Urban Living Lab framework & provides an introduction to the Living Lab webinar series to follow throughout 2019 – 2020.


The webinar series will consist of Living Lab case study presentations, following the Urban Living Lab framework format, in presenting the different approaches and methodologies used by Living Labs across the globe.


The webinars last ±30 minutes, followed by ±15 minute Q&A. You may pre-submit your questions to the presenters, for them to consider in preparing for their presentations.


Name of presenter: Abdolrasoul Habibipour (Botnia Living Lab)

Do you have questions about the Urban Living Lab Framework, or general questions on the basics of Living Labs? Pre-submit your questions here!





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