UNaLab co-creation toolkit presentation webinar


We invite you to join the UNaLab webinar to learn more about the Toolkit for co-creation (https://unalab.enoll.org/), how you can use it to organise co-creative sessions and become a skilled facilitator. The webinar is held on Friday, 25 November between 10:00-12:00 CET. You will receive a connection link upon registration.


Register at: https://forms.office.com/r/q9TG2Hnqej


The webinar will begin with a short presentation of the UNaLab project, followed by a presentation and a demonstration of the co-creation toolkit. The aim of the demonstration is to showcase how the toolkit can be used by a Living Lab and what benefits arise from its usage. Next, participants feedback will be collected through the Mentimeter and the session will conclude with a presentation of other relevant UNaLab outputs for the Living Lab community, such as the training webinars, the handbooks for setting up Urban Living Labs and others.



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