The RTO Innovation Summit

Location:Brussels, Belgium
Date:06.11.2018 - 07.11.2018

Five thematic areas will be explored, in line with the five clusters of the “Global Challenges and Industrial Competitiveness” pillar, the heart of Horizon Europe for RTOs. We will highlight the impact and importance of collaborative applied research and present suggestions for future topics and technologies in the next Framework Programme. See the website


Why should you attend? 

Get to know and experience cutting-edge technologies from Europe’s leading organizations for applied research. Learn about our vision and technology roadmap for Europe until 2030 and beyond. Discuss the research fields of highest relevance for Horizon Europe.


Conference and Exhibition
In addition to an inspiring conference programme, you will be able to access our interactive exhibition during the whole event. You will discover our latest innovations in the five clusters of Horizon Europe and see how technologies can help and complement human beings in their lives.


ENoLL Representation

ENoLL Director Zsuzsanna Bodi will attend the event to represent ENoLL and promote the Living Labs



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