The Rise of Midsized Cities in the Meetings Industry


The findings from the report show more and more meeting planners are looking toward midsized cities to host their programs. Many groups are getting priced out of the larger metropolitan areas, as rates for hotel rooms, meeting venues, food and beverage and other ancillary spend increases incrementally every year.

At the same time, midsized cities from Calgary, Canada to Stuttgart, Germany have undergone sweeping urban revitalization efforts, building up their infrastructure and transportation links. They’ve increased airlift, hotel and venue capacity and enhanced their visitor experience exponentially.

The result of these shifts is that for some destinations, being a midsized city is no longer necessarily a negative for attracting events. Midsized destinations have easily navigable downtown footprints. They often have a unique visitor experience or local vibe that’s not easily duplicated elsewhere. More than anything, midsized cities are more affordable, and local leaders in both the public and private sectors dedicate more effort and individualized attention to service groups because they appreciate the business.


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