The Future of Government 2030+

Location:Brussels, Belgium


Changing power relations in decision making and public value delivery

Contemporary society is rapidly changing. Citizens are deeply affected by the emergence of social inequalities, migration, and the use of new technologies to access, communicate and exchange information. These developments are influencing power relations in the society and might lead to new forms of democracy and governance. The role and form of government is changing. New actors, such as digital platforms and web- based organisations are operating in the field of public values and service delivery. In addition trust and accountability towards governments is decreasing in many countries. Therefore identifying requirements for future governments allows us to rethink the way they operate and to explore how they might look like in the future.



Exploring future government models

The overall aim of the project is to better understand the changing relationships among citizens, businesses and governments. Alternative scenarios and government models will be envisioned and discussed with a wider group of stakeholders.


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ENoLL representative will attend the event.



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