Smart Cities: Shaping Cities Based on Living Labs
“In Brainport region Eindhoven, innovations that light up the world are realised. Smart, inquiring minds meet to challenge each other, collaborate and achieve the seemingly impossible.” –
Join us for a one-and-a-half day event in the Eindhoven region. We offer you an interesting programme with lectures, interactive workshops, field trips and plenty of time for networking. We will show you how we collaborate to reach our innovative ambitions.
What can you expect at the Smart Cities event?
- Introduction to the topics Smart City and Smart Society in the region.
- Visit to Brainport Smart District: a new district and living lab for tomorrow’s society.
- Visit to Strijp-S: a living lab for improving quality of life for residents and visitors.
- Introduction and visit to Helmond Automotive campus: the national and international hotspot, meeting place and business location for automotive business.
- Introduction to the Dutch Technology Week: how the region stimulates enthusiasm for and pride in technology, focusing on children and adolescents.
- Participation in discussions on topics about Smart Cities solutions.
Don’t miss this international event on sharing knowledge about Smart Cities challenges.
Target audience:
- representatives of Smart City partners in the Lighthouse Smart Cities & Communities projects running under the Horizon 2020 program of the EU,
- network of Brainport Smart District (companies, business challenge partners, municipalities, residents and partners from the regions of Helmond and Eindhoven) and network of TU/e Smart City Programme (professors, management layer, project leader);
- other networks of our partners.
Costs: Participation fee 99 euros for admission, transport and meals.
Location: Eindhoven and Helmond, The Netherlands.
Are you interested or do you have any questions? Please send an email to Delia Mitcan (municipality Eindhoven):