Smart Cities in Smart Regions 2018 conference: call for papers


The second Smart Cities in Smart Regions 2018 conference will take place in September 26 – 27, 2018.

The call for proposals for oral presentations and posters on the mentioned subthemes is now open. Alongside academic papers, also best practises and case studies are welcomed and they will be accepted according to a more practical criteria. Theory and practice will be equally emphasised in the programme.


Conference sub themes: 

  • Green Infra​structure and Well-being
  • Design, Technology and Digitalisation
  • Circular Economy and Entrepreneurship​



Please submit an abstract via electronic form: here​​ by Jan 29, 2018. Abstracts will be peer reviewed and authors of proposals will be notified on March 19, 2018. Full papers are requested by the end of April 2018.​





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