Replicating sustainable mobility solutions, is it really possible? The Urban Transports Community’s call for replicating cities


The Urban Transport Community projects have developed and tested several solutions to make mobility in Mediterranean cities more sustainable.


The webinar will offer the opportunity of learning about the peer-learning and technical support services, offered by the Urban Transports Community to Mediterranean Cities, to overcome some of the obstacles in the full implementation of sustainable mobility solutions



/ Mr. Christos Gioldasis, Civinet CY-EL_Presentation of the project & consortium, Information about the public Call, application procedure, eligibility criteria, and benefits of becoming a Replicating City

/ Ms. Laia Vinyes Marcé, MedCities_Presentation of the MedurbanTool Platform – Online example

/ Ms. Fabiola Meo, Area Science Park_Presentation of the Catalogue of Solutions





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