Post Covid – Open Access to Social Innovation Ecosystems to address Global Challenges – Collective Ways Forward

Location:13.30-15.30 CET

Covid has changed everything – the way we work, manage our health, educate our children, consume and socialize. It has disrupted established systems, services and ways of doing things, and consequently turned our world upside down.


With the pandemic came many examples of citizens working together, with their neighbours, with municipalities, with private and public sector to find new ways of living and managing life. We are approaching challenges and finding solutions in new ways and many more are recognizing the importance of the citizen as contributor to rather than consumer of innovation. Barriers to inclusion and the extreme difficulties some have faced rather than others, has shone a light on social and digital inequalities.


We believe this is driving the means for change and social innovation.


At the webinar on 9th of March between 13.30-15.30 CET, you will hear from different case studies from across the world with examples of social innovation, including the use of digital developed with citizens during Covid.


Case studies presentations:
Carolyn Hassan (Knowle West Media Centre) and Artur Serra (i2CAT)

Fran Iglesias and Josep Gatell (EPICA foundation)
Melissa Mean and Dot Baker (Bristol Living Lab / KWMC) – arts, co design with citizens including young people
Gabriel Rissola (Joint Research Centre, EC)
Francesca Imparato (ART-ER / Chebec project)


We invite you to join the discussion and get in touch with to reserve your spot.


Prior to joining the webinar, we invite you to read the Policy Brief on “Digitalisation & Living Labs: Co-Creating And Deploying During Covid-19 Crisis“, published within the InterregMED project Social & Creative.



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