OpenLivingLab Days 2023

Location:Barcelona, Spain
Date:21.09.2023 - 23.09.2023

The 2023 edition of the OpenLivingLab Days will be held in Barcelona, Spain! Hosted by the Barcelona based Living Labs (Library Living Lab and i2Cat) we will be immersed in the local ecosystem and will discover how the Living Lab methodology is applied and seen in Barcelona.


Living Labs for an era of transitions

How human-centric innovation is changing our lives

The event will begin on Thursday 21 September and end on Saturday 23 September. One day before the event on the 20 September, the training course called the Learning Lab – Day 0 will take place. The Learning Lab Day is a one-day training offered to starter Living Labs and other Living Lab enthusiasts, giving them the opportunity to learn all about the key elements and operations of Living Labs.


The first OpenLivingLab Days event (then known as the ENoLL Summer School) was held in Paris in 2010. Since then, every summer, ENoLL organises the annual summit of the worldwide Living Lab community. OpenLivingLab Days is the flagship event of ENoLL and is hosted by a different Living Lab each year. OLLD was hosted in Paris, Barcelona, Helsinki, Manchester, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Montreal, Krakow, Geneva and Thessaloniki. Because of the global pandemic the 2020 and 2021 edition, known as the Digital Living Lab Days, were held digitally. In 2022 the event was hosted back in its physical form in Turn, Italy.


The Calls for Papers and Workshops will open in March 2023!





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