Open Research Data to Support Sustainable Health Initiatives

Location:Hotel Renaissance, Brussels, Belgium

The Open Science platform Frontiers has the pleasure to announce its 2nd Annual Data Services Workshop ‘Open Research Data to Support Sustainable Health Initiatives’ (24 April 2018, 09:00-16:30, Hotel Renaissance, Brussels).

The workshop is organised in collaboration with SwissCore and the Horizon 2020 Open Science projects OpenMinTed and OpenUp.

The workshop aims to draw lessons from recent successes in the application of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) to data-intensive health research, and to discuss policy challenges and actions necessary to unleash the full potential of open research data in health for the benefit of society. It will feature panellists from leading institutions and companies specialising in this field, together with representatives from academic libraries, patient advocacy, research funders, universities and the European Commission.



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