Nordic Edge workshop: Challenge submission deadline


The workshop ‘Co-creating Smart Nature-based Liveable Spaces – Necessary Solutions for Real-life Challenges’ is part of the Nordic Edge Expo & Conference 2018 and will take place on 26th September in Stavanger, Norway. This interactive workshop will bring together relevant stakeholders from municipalities, academia and businesses to address real life climate issues, which today’s European smart cities are facing. Through a facilitated gamified co-creation tool – the CoCo-toolkit, participants will explore pre-selected urban challenges.


Submit a concrete example of a challenge related to climate change and nature-based solutions that your city or region is facing, that can be used during the workshop. Please note that if your challenge is selected for the workshop, we would like somebody from your city or region to come to the workshop in Stavanger to present the challenge to the group of participants that will work with your challenge.





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