Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2022 Edition

Location:Barcelona, Spain
Date:28.02.2022 - 03.03.2022

Save the date! From 28 February to 3 March 2022, join the Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona.


Held in Barcelona, Spain, the MWC is the international leading event for the connectivity industry.


Mobile World Congress Barcelona: what to expect


MWC Barcelona brings together world-leading companies & trailblazers. Together, they will discuss the progression and future of connectivity in order to shape industry success.


If you are a global mobile operator, device manufacturer, or technology provider, MWC Barcelona is the place where to be!


You will have the opportunity to exhibit your cutting-edge products and technologies and make connections with important mobile and tech industry influencers.


Mobile World Congress Barcelona: themes


The MWC Barcelona theme for 2022 is Connectivity Unleashed.


This theme explores the state-of-the-art technologies that will shape the connectivity industry, including:


  • CloudNet
  • 5G Connect
  • Internet of Everything
  • Fintech
  • Tech Horizon
  • Advancing AI


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