Living Labs for for improving air quality by Krakow Technology Park


KTP will talk about their experiences with Living Labs for improving air quality in their city. KTP is one of the key actors in co-creating and implementing the Regional Innovation Strategy and promoting smart specialization and user-driven innovation approaches in the region. SIGN UP


The Living Labbers webinar series of the European Network of Living Labsshowcases the variety of Living Labs across the globe. Realized in collaboration with iSCAPE and UNaLab projects, the webinars are structured around the Urban Living Lab framework: providing insight to various aspects of Living Lab’s contexts, innovations, governance & financing models, and even some personal view to their way of working and the people involved.


Krakow Technology Park is one of the key actors in co-creating and implementing the Regional Innovation Strategy and promoting smart specialization and user-driven innovation approaches in the region. It was established in 1997 as the joint initiative of city authorities, Malopolska regional authorities and Krakow’s three largest universities: Krakow University of Technology, AGH – UST University of Science and Technology and the Jagiellonian University.



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