Living Labbers Webinar: Başakşehir Living Lab


Next up in the series we present to you Basaksehir Living Lab presented by Omer Onur.


The Living Lab has aimed to increase the life standards of the local society, the quality of Basaksehir district of Istanbul and consciousness of urbanization by means of taking into consideration desires of the local citizen and society by a set of high and standardised innovative services for the local public as well as private organizations.


Basaksehir Municipality, in accordance to these purposes regarding applying the quality, provide unconditioned customer satisfaction, education and control to all of its citizen and employees, by continuously improving and applying development facilities. One of the near future objectives is also to replicate similar Living Labs to other cities around Turkey.


The Living Labbers webinar series of the European Network of Living Labs showcases the variety of Living Labs across the globe. Realized in collaboration with iSCAPE and UNaLab projects, the webinars are structured around the Urban Living Lab framework: providing insight to various aspects of Living Lab’s contexts, innovations, governance & financing models, and even some personal view to their way of working and the people involved.





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