JAM Today Andalusia

Location:Seville, Spain
Date:08.02.2019 - 10.02.2019

What is JAM Today? 


JamToday is a European project dedicated to the creation, implementation and development of educational games. The project brings together different types of actors, such as creatives, gaming companies, education, public sector institutions, municipalities, etc. to run the Game Jams across Europe.


What is the aim of JAM Today Sevilla? 


Bring together more than 70 passionate people from the world of games with the aim of creating video games or educational board games. It is a non-competitive event aimed at amateurs and professionals of the development of video games and table games, where you can test your skills, learn from others, and above all, have fun.


Participants can be programmers, graphic designers, content creators, creatives, sound designers or curious people eager to learn. For this event we will have a group of experts who will be at your disposal to solve all the doubts that may arise during the development process.


How can you participate? Find out here https://www.jamtodayandalucia.com/


This event is organisation by ENoLL Member Consortio Fernando de los Rios – Guadalinfo Living Lab network




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