iSCAPE Summer School in Hasselt

Location:Hasselt, Belgium
Date:17.09.2018 - 18.09.2018
The 2-day Summer school (Air Quality Sensing and Approaches for Mitigation using Smart Solutions and Citizen Engagement) organized by the iSCAPE project ( is scheduled to be held on 17 and 18 September 2018.
Objectives and Expected Outcomes:

The summer school aims to broaden awareness of air pollution and ways to control it. The two day event will provide participants with both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience in relation to behavioral change initiatives and sensing technologies for air quality management and control. Through the co-creation workshops during the 2-day summer school, participants will learn about the living lab approach to solve various problems related to the environment.


Participants will have an opportunity to use low-cost sensors, developed within the iSCAPE project and make sense of the collected data through visualization platforms. A team of international experts and practitioners will be there to guide participants throughout these 2 days.

This Summer School is organized as part of the iSCAPE project and it will showcase the most recent research and development activities.


Who should attend

We invite students and researchers who are involved in environmental and air quality management studies and have keen interest in learning tools/methods to engage communities, stakeholders and citizens in resolving air quality problems.



Registration is free of cost, but seats are limited. Please click here to register.



The agenda for the 2-day summer school can be found here (pdf, 221 KB)



The summer school will be held at Conference Room OG-B1.1 groen, Universiteit Hasselt, Martelarenlaan 42, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium. More details on how to get there can be found from



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