ILUCIDARE Playground: Cracking the future of heritage

Location:Brussels, Belgium

The ILUCIDARE Playground creates a unique space for those unconventional encounters sparking discussion, networking, international exchanges and innovation. Empowering heritage professionals, researchers, innovators, policy makers, activists and volunteers in their innovative and collaboration practices, the event also ambitions to make a contribution to aligning international and EU actions for heritage and international cultural relations.


Join the delegates
Cultural heritage professionals, cultural institutions, architects, designers, artists, creative and cultural entrepreneurs, cultural networks, international organisations, creative hubs, makers, social innovators, NGOs, investors, businesses, technology companies, policy makers and researchers…

If you are a cultural or innovation stakeholder who wants to connect with peers, engage in stimulating discussions leading to concrete policy actions, learn about existing initiatives and supporting tools in heritage and international relations, meet investors and attend workshops with passionate professionals, then this event is for you!


ENoLL Council Member Anna Ståhlbröst (Botnia Living lab), who will take part in the expert activities.





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